Home > File Analysis > EXPLORER.EXE


Name:EXPLORER.EXE(Free Scan)
Security Level: Unknown (Scan EXPLORER.EXE)
Infected OS:Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista (Scan EXPLORER.EXE)

EXPLORER.EXE is used by both safe and unsafe programs. The infected EXPLORER.EXE pretends to be the legitimate file in Windows operating system and infects it quietly. You should urgently check out your computer to ensure it is not infected by EXPLORER.EXE. It is strongly recommended you to use Best Spyware Scanner to detect and clean up EXPLORER.EXE file and any other threat information. Check whether EXPLORER.EXE is Safe or Malicious Now!

Warning: It is high risky to remove the EXPLORER.EXE file by manual unless you are extremely good at computer maintenance. What is worse, you can not ensure that you can remove EXPLORER.EXE file completely from your PC and your system becomes corrupted. Thus, for most of the computer users, it is suggested to install free Best Spyware Scanner on your PC to help your computer get away from EXPLORER.EXE file or any other malicious files.

Possible Location:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\

Possible Infected Registry Entries: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

Recent Infected countries:
Saint Lucia

Run a Free Scan to Detect EXPLORER.EXE and other PC Threats Now!

Recommendation: Most of the malicious files including EXPLORER.EXE are pretended in the file extensions. If you incorrectly remove the necessary file extensions, this operation will damage your computer. In order to protect your computer, it is highly recommended you download and install free Best Spyware Scanner to scan and remove infected EXPLORER.EXE and other threats such as Virus, Trojan, Adware and Spyware.

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